Wondering How To Follow Someone on Etsy? Etsy is an online marketplace where users can buy and sell handmade or vintage items, as well as unique factory-manufactured items. As a seller or shopper on Etsy, you may want to follow someone to discover new items or to keep up with your friends or favorite sellers. However, finding and following someone on Etsy is not always an easy task. In this article, we will explore the different ways to find people and how to follow someone on Etsy.
How to Find People on Etsy
To follow someone on Etsy, you first need to find them. There are several ways to do this:
By Name or Username: If you know the name or username of the person you are looking for, you can use Etsy’s people search function. Simply go to the Etsy People Search Page, select the type of person you are looking for, and hit search. In the results that are shown, select the follow button next to the user you want to follow.

By Shop Name: If you know the name of the Etsy seller you want to follow, you can find the person by entering the store name in the main search bar or by using the Etsy Shop Search Page. Once you find their shop, click on the link to their Etsy store. On their store page, you will see their name and profile image on the right under their store banner. Click on their name, and you will be taken to their public profile page. Here you can select the Follow button on the right-hand side.

Using Google: If you’re still not able to find the person you’re looking for, try using Google search. Go to Google.com, enter the person’s name and “Etsy,” and Google will return a number of results from Etsy. Not all will be the names of people, but a number will be, as shown in the graphic below.

Using Social Media: Another way to find an Etsy shop when you know the name of the person is to search on Facebook or Instagram for that person. You may find that they promote the items they sell on Etsy on social media or at least link to their stores on their profile page.
How to Follow Someone on Etsy
Once you find the person you want to follow on Etsy, following them is easy. Simply go to their shop and click the “Follow” button beneath their profile picture. You’ll start seeing their new items in your feed on the main Etsy page. If you want to follow multiple shops or people on Etsy, you can do so from your Profile. Just click the “Following” tab and then click the “Follow Shop” or “Follow Person” button next to the shops or people you want to follow.
When you’re on a listing page, you can also click the “Heart” icon to save it to your favorites or click the “Shop Owner” section to view other items in that shop. Following someone on Etsy is a great way to support independent crafters and sellers, and it’s also a great way to keep track of items you like or want to buy in the future.
How To Follow Someone On Etsy FAQ
How to Report a Buyer on Etsy?
If a buyer on Etsy has been harassing you through messages, you can report them as spam. To do this, go to Your account on Etsy.com, click Messages, click the checkbox next to the message you want to report, click More, and then click Report Spam.
Why should I follow someone on Etsy?
Following a seller on Etsy allows you to keep up to date with their latest products, promotions, and shop updates. You’ll also receive notifications when they add new items to their shop.
Can I unfollow someone on Etsy?
Yes, you can unfollow a seller on Etsy at any time. To do so, simply go to their shop or profile page and click the “Unfollow” button. You can also unfollow a seller from your profile page under the “Following” tab.

I’m Jesse Geitzmuni, a 29-year-old internet marketer with 10+ years of experience. I mostly focus on eCommerce, affiliate marketing, cryptocurrency, seo, print-on-demand, and nowadays I’m dabbling with artificial intelligence. My expertise in these areas has earned me a reputation as a knowledgeable expert. I share my insights and strategies through my blog to help others succeed in the ever-evolving world of online marketing. Read more…